Cardea Beads

CARDEA BEADS - The support of a community for those facing cancer

Join us as a volunteer beadmaker in the Cardea Beads Program, where you can use your skills to create beautiful, handmade glass beads for families facing the challenges of cancer. By crafting unique glass beads, volunteers not only engage in the artistry of beadmaking but also offer tangible comfort and encouragement to those navigating challenging times. Together, we can make a heartfelt impact, one bead at a time. 


The Program

Cardea Beads is a program designed to support families coping with cancer. Patients of all ages can tell their story, using colorful beads as meaningful symbols of courage that commemorate milestones they have achieved along their treatment path. Patients receive/select one bead for each treatment and over time, beads collected can be made into a key chain, necklace, or bracelet. Each string of beads becomes a keepsake that tells a story of strength, courage and hope. 

Upcoming Dates in the WSG Studio

Previous beadmaking experience required (intro to beadmaking or equivalent). There is no minimum commitment for number of beads produced or hours volunteered. Materials are provided at no cost to participants.

Next Session: Thursday, March 20th: 6:00-8:00 pm 

NOTE: Enter through studio door behind the gallery (back parking lot).

You Can Make a Difference!

The need is greater now than when we began this program. Now, more than ever, it is essential to find ways to lift up our spirits. Patients’ faces light up when they enter the treatment clinic, stop at the counter, and select a bead to commemorate their continued fight for survival. Please consider a donation to continue the Cardea Bead program. Simply use the the link below and make a note that your contribution be applied to the Cardea Bead program. We appreciate your support!