Donate - Cardea Beads Program
The Cardea Bead Program, which involves teaching volunteers to make glass beads is at risk due to COVID-19. Due to increased demand for beads at the Marie Yeager Cancer Center (we can’t keep enough beads in the bowl!), we planned to add additional volunteer trainings on making these sought after beads. Per COVID-19 restrictions, we have temporarily discontinued these monthly trainings.
With your help, we will invest in purchasing glass and jewelry materials including Art Kits To-Go upfront. We will update the bead torches and procure PPE separation barriers in the studio. Our largest expense will be hiring our faculty and Fired Up! students to make Cardea Beads. The need is greater now than when we began this program. Now, more than ever, it is essential to find ways to lift up our spirits.
Patients’ faces light up when they enter the treatment clinic, stop at the counter, and select a bead to commemorate their continued fight for survival. We appreciate your support of the Cardea Beads Program.
Water Street Glassworks is a Michigan 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible.